Highest priced ram February 2024
Bought by Morne Fitzhenry, from Aberdeen for R21000
From Left to Right: Jackie Nel (auctioneer), Adriaan Botha (OVK), Poolsie Migels (Charmac), Adrian McNaughton (Charmac Seller), Fourie Vosloo (OVK)

Our strain has the proven ability to perform on veld in production and reproduction.

The visual conformation and wool characteristics to compete and be successful on VELD SHOWS

Our breeding values have increased dramatically and we can claim to be the most successful medium/fine wool producer of TOP rams making an impact in the BLUP SIRE RATINGS.

Our strain has the proven ability to perform on veld in production and reproduction.

The visual conformation and wool characteristics to compete and be successful on VELD SHOWS

Our breeding values have increased dramatically and we can claim to be the most successful medium/fine wool producer of TOP rams making an impact in the BLUP SIRE RATINGS.
past auctions
Highest Priced RAMS

August 2018
Sold to Jose & Nollie Bester from Morressburg @R50,000

August 2019
Sold to David & Lloyd Short from Graaff-Reinet @R13,000

February 2021
Sold to Sandre Erasmus (Jnr & Snr) from Cradock @R42,000

August 2021
Sold to Billy van Zyl from Cradock @R28,000

February 2022
Sold to Jordaan Genetics

August 2022
Sold to Jeffrey Joubert, Andre De Jager, Jacko Geldenhuys & Heuningkrans Merinos

February 2023
Sold to Garth Featherstone from Aberdeen for R36,000

August 2023
Sold to Piet & Kathy Du Plessis from Porterville for R38 000
past auctions
Highest Priced RAMS

August 2018
Sold to Jose & Nollie Bester from Morressburg @R50,000

August 2019
Sold to David & Lloyd Short from Graaff-Reinet @R13,000

February 2021
Sold to Sandre Erasmus (Jnr & Snr) from Cradock @R42,000

August 2021
Sold to Billy van Zyl from Cradock @R28,000

February 2022
Sold to Jordaan Genetics

August 2022
Sold to Jeffrey Joubert, Andre De Jager, Jacko Geldenhuys & Heuningkrans Merinos

February 2023
Sold to Garth Featherstone from Aberdeen for R36,000

August 2023
Sold to Piet & Kathy Du Plessis from Porterville for R38 000
The emphasis of our breeding program has been based on
The selection emphasis was on a plain bodied sheep with:
The ability of our animals to produce and reproduce in the harsh conditions of the Karoo.
A well-rounded body with a high meat to bone ratio and adequate fat deposits.
Virile rams and ewes that produce multiples of progeny annually.
Milk Production
This is selected indirectly as a result of multiple births and requirements to feed these lambs.
Mothering Ability
The strict selection of ewes that are able to rear some multiple births.
In the fleece the emphasis was on:
Clean yield
Uniformity of a medium to fine wool
Our Genetics
The cornerstone of our breeding program.

447 17 230 (Abdul)
Special Poll sire with excellent quality white wool and length of body to go with.

1832 16 644 (Wragtag)
One of the most widely used sires in the country. His progeny are showing great potential for 2021.

1856 17 107 (Henri)
Superb earn maturing ram with deep barrel and classic wool..

1856 17 226 (Janhond)
An exceptional sire from the legendary Dawid Line, with robust head and well nourished wool.

447 16 091 (Amarula)
The ultimate South African Poll sire with the Charmac wool we strive to breed.

225 15 007 (Zippo)
A block of a ram with plenty wool. He was introduced in 2019.
Our Genetics
The cornerstone of our breeding program.

447 17 230 (Abdul)
Special Poll sire with excellent quality white wool and length of body to go with.

1832 16 644 (Wragtag)
One of the most widely used sires in the country. His progeny are showing great potential for 2021.

1856 17 107 (Henri)
Superb earn maturing ram with deep barrel and classic wool..

1856 17 226 (Janhond)
An exceptional sire from the legendary Dawid Line, with robust head and well nourished wool.

447 16 091 (Amarula)
The ultimate South African Poll sire with the Charmac wool we strive to breed.

225 15 007 (Zippo)
A block of a ram with plenty wool. He was introduced in 2019.
The emphasis of our breeding program has been based on
The selection emphasis was on a plain bodied sheep with:
The ability of our animals to produce and reproduce in the harsh conditions of the Karoo.
A well-rounded body with a high meat to bone ratio and adequate fat deposits.
Virile rams and ewes that produce multiples of progeny annually.
Milk Production
This is selected indirectly as a result of multiple births and requirements to feed these lambs.
Mothering Ability
The strict selection of ewes that are able to rear some multiple births.
In the fleece the emphasis was on:
Clean yield
Uniformity of a medium to fine wool
Charmac Merinos are one of the top breeders in the Eastern Cape. Showcasing rams with impeccable genetics. They are different in so many ways, including the fact they they are one of the few breeders that mind keeping track of their ewes! Job well done Charmac Merino!
The McNaughtons have proven time and time again why they were a part of the change in the South African merino. Excellent genetic breeds and top-quality wool are what Charmac Merinos stand for. You are at the fore front of your industry and will continue to impress!
The Charmac Factor has been applying modern selection methods of performance and progeny testing.
The Charmac Factor has been applying modern selection methods of performance and progeny testing.